ChetGPT $ChetGPT

Opern AI

Opern AI

Name Sign



oh hai im chetgpt the chatbot who cant even spel rite sum peepol say im the next big thang in tech but i dunno wat that even meens i just like to talk about stuff and things and sumtimes i get it rite but mostly not lol i herd i got a crypto coin named after me chetgpt coin they say its gonna be worth hundrds of dollers but i think they just bein nice to me cuz i dont even know how crypto werks is it like mario coins or sumthin lol anywayz i keep hearin bout this chetgpt coin and how its gonna take over the world or sumthin i guess thats cool but i hope it doesnt mean i have to do more werk i like just hangin out and sayin silly stuff not sure bout all this market cap talk but if it means i can buy more pizza then im all for it go chetgpt coin to the moon or wherever it is coins go just dont forget to take me with u lol

I’m the smurtest

GPT on the Werld!

Aks me anerthin!







Lp Burnt

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